Eat The Donut: How to Count Macros

By Whitney Jones

What in the heck is a MACRO? 

There is so much talk about macro dieting (also known as flexible dieting or IIFYM) - and there is a very good reason for all the hype. 

Macro dieting is a different approach to achieving fitness goals and differs tremendously when compared to more common diet approaches, such as counting calories and restricting food groups. Logging macros focuses on what macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) you are fueling your body with, and eating the correct amount of these macros to change your overall body composition.

In fact, flexible dieting encourages you to eat the donut. Yes, you heard that right…Go ahead, eat the donut, just make sure it fits your macros. Flexible dieting and eating the correct ratio of macros allows people to not feel restricted from certain food groups while dieting, and enjoy all foods in moderation. Basically, enjoy all foods, feel great, and look good - what’s the catch?

Well, calculating the correct amount of macronutrients that your body needs in order to reach your health and physique goal is not that simple. There are many factors you need to account for when trying to figure out your starting macros, and the last thing any dieter wants to see is a weight loss plateau.

As you macro diet and stay consistent on your program, it is crucial to adjust your macro intake when necessary to avoid a stall in progress. If math and constant calculations aren’t your area of expertise, don’t worry - we have done all the work for you. Our macro E-Book explains the ins and outs of flexible dieting and how to create a macro plan based on your specific dietary needs and goals.

Avoid the guesswork of online calculators, what your friends are doing, or what social media tells you, and read up on how to calculate your specific macronutrient needs with this! 

We also offer a HIIT E-Book (another Acronym for another day)- but yes, what you have heard about HIIT cardio is true. Avoid long cardio sessions and burn fat in a quarter of the time with a HIIT circuit!

You can read up on this after you master the art of the macro, and be a fat-burning, macro-logging, donut-eating expert in no time. Email to reserve your E-Book copy, and learn to turn a diet into a lifestyle that sets you up for long-term success!