Social Media Search Is the Future: Tips for Ranking on TikTok and IG

By Laurel Portie

I’m just going to say it: If your business still isn’t using social media, I’m seriously worried for you. 

The days of hiding behind a static website or boring email blasts are dead. 

TikTok, Instagram, and X are no longer just places to post cute pictures or “network”—they’re full-on search engines, and your business isn’t even in the game.

People aren’t Googling first anymore—they’re heading straight to these platforms for reviews, tutorials, and recommendations.

 Forget trying to go viral—if your content isn’t optimized for these searches, you’re basically invisible. 

Time to wake up. 

Why Social Media is Becoming a Search Engine

TikTok recently integrated Google search results into their platform—yes, Google, the biggest search engine in the world, now plays a role in TikTok searches.

So if people are already scrolling on social media, why would they bother leaving the platform to look something up elsewhere? 

They won’t. And that’s exactly the point.

What does that mean for your marketing? 

Simple: your content now needs to do more than just entertain. It needs to inform, answer questions, and solve problems. Think about what your audience is searching for—and then deliver content that gets them straight to the solution.

Social SEO Is the New Frontier

You’ve been hearing it everywhere, right? 

Keywords, SEO, optimization… but now it’s not just for websites. Social media platforms are becoming the new frontier of search engine optimization, or what some are calling Social SEO.

People are literally using TikTok like a search engine to ask how-to questions, find product reviews, or get the scoop on a trending topic. Instagram is no different. 

Users are typing into the search bar expecting to find posts and Reels that directly address their queries.

So, how do you get in on this? 

Start thinking about the questions your audience is asking —and answer them in your content. 

If you’re selling a product, your TikTok shouldn’t just show the product—it should show people how to use it, why it’s better than the competition, and real results. If your content isn’t answering those burning questions, guess what? Someone else’s content will be the first thing users find when they search.

This Isn’t Just a Trend—It’s a Shift

This isn’t a temporary trend. It’s a fundamental shift in how social platforms work, and it’s reshaping the digital advertising world. And with Google Chrome planning to phase out third-party cookies by the end of 2025, businesses need to start relying on platforms’ internal search functions more than ever. 

Retargeting with cookies is becoming a thing of the past, which means first-party data and on-platform engagement are the keys to surviving this shift.

Social media is not just about getting likes or views anymore—it’s about creating content that answers questions and ranking for those searches inside the platforms. 

That’s the game now.

My Spin: Stop Waiting for the Perfect Moment

Here’s the deal: stop sitting on the sidelines waiting for the perfect strategy. You don’t need to go viral; you need to be discoverable. Make sure every piece of content is working its ass off to answer a question or solve a problem for your audience. If you’re waiting for the stars to align, someone else is getting discovered while you’re still thinking about it.

Use tools like video ads and on-platform engagement lists (aka my “invisible lead” strategy).

These strategies ensure you’re building audiences right where it counts—on the platform itself, where people are *already* searching.

Because if you’re still relying on old-school tactics like pixel tracking, that ship is sinking fast.

What You Should Do Now

So, what should your next move be?

1. Create Content That Solves Problems:

People are searching on TikTok and Instagram the way they used to on Google. If you’re not showing up with useful answers, you’re missing the boat.

2. Optimize for Keywords:

Just like you would on a website, make sure you’re using keywords in your captions, descriptions, and hashtags. The right keywords are your new best friend in social SEO.

3. Leverage First-Party Data:

With third-party cookies going away, you need to collect your own data from the interactions people are having with your content. Build those on-platform engagement lists and retarget those warm leads who are already interested in what you’re offering.

The Bottom Line

Social media platforms are no longer just for sharing what’s going on in your life. They’re where people are asking questions and looking for solutions. And if you’re not optimizing your content to be found when they search, you’re leaving money on the table.

Want to know how I help my clients stay ahead of this shift?

Watch this FREE TRAINING and I’ll show you how to make sure your content gets found in this new social search engine world.