Dear Community Members,

Welcome to Base Case and Build! Whether you are a curious newcomer exploring options for your child's education or a committed parent whose children are actively participating in our program, we're thrilled to have you join us. Our community is dedicated to sharing insights and fostering discussions around empowering the next generation with essential life skills beyond traditional schooling.

About Base Case and Build:

Base Case and Build is more than just an educational program. It's a comprehensive journey designed to equip young minds with the tools needed for real-world success. Our curriculum is built around five key pillars: Financial Literacy, Cultural Legacy/Connection, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Mastery, and Networking/Mentorship. Each pillar is designed to prepare students to navigate life's challenges with confidence and foresight.

Meet Our Esteemed Contributors and Advisors:

Our program benefits from the wisdom and expertise of distinguished professionals:

- Dr. Jeff Spencer, an Olympic Champion and renowned performance coach.

- Robert Kiyosaki, the author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and creator of the Cash Flow game.

- Nic Peterson, author of "Bumpers" and founder of The Guardian Academy.

- Dan Nicholson, author of "Rigging the Game" and Certified Certainty Advisor program.

What You Can Expect:

As members of our community, you will gain insights into:

- Financial Literacy: Through interactive lessons like the Cash Flow game, students learn about money management and investing.

- Legacy/Connection: Discussions and activities that connect parents and kids with their values, knowledge and experience.

- Emotional Intelligence: Courses designed to enhance emotional intelligence and effective communication and empathy.

- Leadership Mastery: Strategies and real-life applications that prepare students to lead with integrity and vision.

- Network/Mentorship: Access to a diverse network of professionals provides mentorship and career guidance.

We are committed to supporting each family in our community, providing resources and opportunities to engage and learn together. This platform is for you to explore, learn, and grow alongside your children.

Thank you for joining our community. We look forward to engaging with you and are excited to see how together we can prepare our children for a successful and fulfilling future.

The next step to enroll is to schedule a quick call with our team so we can provide you details and answer any questions that you may have.

Here use this link to schedule a call:

Best regards,

Jay Bhakta

Founder, Base Case and Build